Lettre de Padrig Montauzier au directeur général de l’UNESCO

Padrig Montauzier
National leader ADSAV!, the Breton People’s Party
35203 Rennes Cedex 2

Mr Koichiro Matsuura
Director General,
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP

Rennes, 25th June 2007

Dear Mr. Matsuura,

You may not be aware that the French State has authorised the buildingof a massive waste disposal facility, which may spoil theBrekilien/Brocelande forest of Brittany. Broceliande is a unique andspecial place, it is not just a collection of trees. The place is wellrenowned. It is as the focal point of the Arthurian legends andtherefore a centre of European culture since the middle age. This iswhere the Barenton spring is located and where the grave of Merlin isto be found. It is a place that pilgrims and visitors come to see ingreat numbers. It is one of the most emblematic legacy of Bretons’distinct heritage, as well as our finest contribution to the World.

The facility will stretch over several hectares of land and will befifteen meters high. It will be located on the edge of the forest, butconsidering the holy nature of this place in the minds and hearts ofthe Breton people, it is to be considered a major threat, as futuredevelopments may well spread to the heart of the woods. For thisreason, we believe that only a special classification as a WorldHeritage could guarantee a sustainable protection.

I would be delighted if you would agree to discuss this matter with me.

I am very much looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,

Padrig Montauzier
National leader
ADSAV!, The Breton people’s party


Brocéliande = Décharge, Non ! 

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